Sents Law Firm, PLLC
Are you in need of a strong legal advocate who will fight for your rights? We have extensive litigation experience in criminal defense, family law, and many other practice areas.
Criminal Defense:
Facing criminal charges might be one of the most stressful situations a person can encounter within the legal system. When your liberty is at risk, you feel powerless and alone. This is not where you want to take chances and hope the system will have mercy on you. This is a point where you want to find a strong legal advocate who will fight for your rights. If you are facing charges in General Sessions Court in Hamilton County, Tennessee, turn to us.
Traffic infractions:
If you get ticketed for a moving violation, we can help. This includes CDL holders. Moving violations can lead to license revocation or increase cost of insurance. Let us help.
Family law:
If you are facing contempt of court for non-payment of child support or back support or if you need a modification of current support or arearages, talk to us.
Civil litigation:
This is a term of art. It involves a legal dispute between parties that seek money damages or specific performance instead of criminal sanctions. Civil litigation includes not only representations made in court, but also pre-trial and post-trial procedures. Below are several common types of civil litigation:
Personal injury
Products liability
If you find yourself having a legal issue that does not fall into one of the categories above, call us and see if we can help.
Copyright © 2016 Jedidiah Sents, Esq. All rights reserved. Please contact Jed Sents at jed@sentslaw.com with problems or questions about this website
DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is NOT legal advice. This website is for personal use only. Do not take action or refrain from taking action based on information contained on this website without first consulting professional legal counsel. The information on this website is for general informational purposes only and does not create an attorney- client relationship or an attorney-client privilege. In addition, no legal relationship or obligation is created by unsolicited mail, email, fax, voicemail, or any other form of communication received by attorney Jedidiah James Sents. No agreement to represent you or your case is made unless confirmed in writing by a letter sent or provided to you by attorney Jedidiah James Sents of the Sents Law Firm, PLLC. Any representations made on this website should not be construed as a promise or guarantee of a specific result. Attorney Jedidiah Sents makes NO promise or assurance of a specific result in any case or matter brought to him.