Sents Law Firm, PLLC
Don't be a statistic. Be prepared.
Estate Planning:
A 2019 study by Forbes found that 55% of Americans die without a will or estate plan. A document as simple as a Last Will and Testament can direct your assets to your loved ones after death, establish who will administer your estate, and provide peace of mind to your family.
Planning is important at any age, but as we get older planning becomes even more important. Estate planning gives you confidence to live life to the fullest knowing your affairs are in order. Below are just a few documents anyone over 30 should have:
Last Will & Testament
Power of Attorney
Healthcare Power of Attorney
Living Will
If you are unsure whether you need a will, give us a call. Attorney Jed Sents would be glad to talk to you about your needs, concerns, and long term goals. Be sure to mention that your question is whether you need a will and the initial conversation will be provided free of charge.
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Hamilton County Estate planning Attorney, Chattanooga estate planning, Hamilton county Tennessee. Will attorney Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee.
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